When people think of bariatric surgery, they usually just think of the surgeon and the patient. But it’s not really the case. 

Bariatric surgery is a team effort. This is what Dr. K. Robert Williams of the New Life Center for Bariatric Surgery has to say about it:

“When it comes to bariatric surgery, it’s really a team approach. It’s not just a surgeon and a patient. Although there’s a lot of interaction between a surgeon and a patient but there’s a team of caregivers behind it who we use.

The patient is the most important part of the team. Everybody has a job to do but the patient’s job is probably the hardest job to do. However, if everybody does the job well, the outcome will be good.”

An Interdisciplinary Team

At the New Life Center for Bariatric Surgery in Knoxville, we emphasized that bariatric surgery is a tool. Long-term weight loss and healthy living are possible if everybody works hard and works well with each other.

We have an interdisciplinary team that is committed to helping you achieve your goals in improving your health. It’s comprised of:

  • Anesthesiologists
  • Bariatric specialists
  • Endocrinologists
  • Dietitians
  • Nurses 
  • Nurse practitioners
  • Physiologists
  • Patient liaisons
  • Psychologists

Your Role as a Patient

As a patient, you have the toughest job to do. Your long-term weight loss success depends largely on you, on how you comply with the recommendations by our team.

It will not be easy but we’ll help you get there.

We have support group meetings on which we require patients to attend at least one before their surgery. In these meetings, we have staff who can answer your medical questions. 

These support group meetings are also helpful after surgery. It’s a great way to stay accountable, find support in people who understand what you’re going through and get connected with them.

If you’re still contemplating bariatric surgery, attending or viewing our FREE info session could help you decide. Visit our Get Started webpage https://www.newlifebariatricsurgery.com/get-started/  or call (865) 541-4500 to attend a live session today!. 


New Life Center for Bariatric Surgery is part of Premier Surgical Bariatrics in Knoxville, Tennessee. New LIfe is affiliated with the Parkwest Center for Bariatric Surgery, part of Covenant Health Bariatric Services.