Weight Loss Surgery: Is it an Option for You?
Morbid obesity is a major risk factor for many conditions such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, and soft tissue infections. These conditions, which are related to the primary disease (i.e. obesity) are collectively known as comorbidities.
Bariatric surgery remains to be the most effective tool for helping morbidly obese patients to lose weight. As patients lose weight, many notice changes in their symptoms and medications. In type 2 diabetes, for example, a lot of bariatric patients notice the need for less to no medications at all!
The Bariatric Surgery Process
It all begins with preparation. Learning to prepare for your bariatric surgery greatly increases your success with it.
At New Life Center for Bariatric Surgery in Knoxville, TN, part of our preparation process includes:
• Attending or viewing online our FREE bariatric info series
• Scheduling an initial consult with our surgeon
• Filling out insurance paperwork
• Joining a support group
• Arranging for some help at home during and after surgery
• Planning your post-op lifestyle
Bariatric Surgery can be scary for some, that is why from start to finish, the team at New Life and our superstar Bariatric Surgeon, Dr. K Robert Williams will be with you and guide you throughout.
Sticking to your dietary plan
Before your scheduled surgery, you will have a consultation with a dietitian who will recommend a dietary plan for you. It’s very important to follow this. It is designed to help you lose weight and prevent potential complications.
We know the whole process of bariatric surgery – from preparation to recovery will not be easy. Hence, we encourage our patients to join our bariatric support group, which you can attend in-person or online.
Research shows that joining a support group increases your chance of success. The same is true about bariatric surgery.
In a support group, you can share your struggles and wins with a trusted group of people who know exactly what you’re going through.
Are you ready to start your weight loss journey? Visit https://www.newlifebariatricsurgery.com/info-sessions/ to get started. Questions? Call our awesome New Life staff at (865) 694-9676.
New Life Center for Bariatric Surgery is part of Premier Surgical Bariatrics in Knoxville, Tennessee. New Life is affiliated with the Parkwest Center for Bariatric Surgery, an accredited Comprehensive Metabolic and Bariatric Surgical Center. Parkwest is a member of Covenant Health Bariatric Services.