Our Bariatric Program
Dr. K. Robert Williams and New Life Center for Bariatric Surgery in Knoxville, TN, are affiliated with the Parkwest Center for Bariatric Surgery, Accredited as a Comprehensive Center under the American Society for Betabolic and Bariatric Surgery Quality Improvement Program (MBSAQIP).
New Life Center for Bariatric Surgery is specially designed for the obese individual. Dr. Williams and his staff are dedicated to providing a welcoming environment where you can expect to be cared for with dignity and respect by a team that is sensitive to your needs. Dr. Williams has devoted his career to helping people who suffer from severe obesity. Since 2006 Dr. Williams has helped more than 2,000 people find a healthier, New Life through weight loss surgery.
The New Life Center boasts an in-house multidisciplinary team dedicated to helping people like you lose weight permanently. Our team includes:
Bariatric Certified Nurse
Registered Dietician
Clinical Exercise Physiologist
Insurance pre-determination Coordinator
Patient Advocate
Patient Coordinator
Office Manager
Dr. Williams is Medical Director of the Parkwest Center for Bariatric Center in Knoxville, TN. Parkwest is Accredited as a Comprehensive Center under MBSAQIP. Dr. Williams’ office is located on the Parkwest Medical Center campus in west Knoxville. He performs bariatric surgeries Parkwest. To accommodate patients with different insurance requirements and plans, Dr. Williams also offers bariatric surgeries at Turkey Creek Medical Center and Fort Sanders Regional.
We understand that severe obesity robs individuals of the quality of life and health that they deserve. There IS hope. Bariatric surgery can be a life-saving journey that can lead to a New Life for you. We consider it a privilege that you have taken the time to consider us as your partner in the path to your New Life!