Revision and Conversion Surgery

It is not uncommon for patients to regain weight after a Bariatric procedure. In some studies 50% of sleeve patients regain significant weight within 5-10 years of their surgery, and 20-30% of gastric bypass patients will eventually experience weight regain. Weight regain often leads to recurrence of medical issues such as diabetes,high blood pressure , sleep apnea and gastroesophageal. Many patients aren’t aware that there are very effective treatment options for these problems.

At New Life Center for Bariatric Surgery in Knoxville, we specialize in offering all surgical options, including revisional surgery. Many patients aren’t aware that their Sleeve Gastronomy or Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass anatomy can be converted to a more effective procedure such as the Biliary Pancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch (BPD-DS) to achieve excellent weight loss. Most studies show that weight regain after BPD-DS is only 5-10%. We are proud to offer complex revisional options to appropriate patients.

Please call our office at (865) 694-9676 to learn about your options for revision, correction, or conversion surgery.