Complex Surgery Helps East TN Man Lose 100+ Pounds

At Parkwest Medical Center and New Life Center for Bariatric Surgery in Knoxville, Tennessee, bariatric surgery is changing lives.  With expertise and experience, complex procedures like duodenal switch can lead to dramatic, lasting weight loss. “My starting weight...

Do I Qualify for Outpatient Bariatric Surgery?

Do I Qualify for Outpatient Bariatric Surgery? Obesity is a complex and serious medical condition that can lead to a variety of health problems such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and sleep apnea, among others. For individuals struggling with obesity,...

Online Bariatric Surgery Seminar

Online Bariatric Surgery Seminar The decision to pursue bariatric surgery is a personal decision that is not taken lightly. Many patients will spend more than a year researching and evaluating whether bariatric surgery is right for them. However, once someone decides...

Outpatient Bariatric Surgery

Outpatient Bariatric Surgery Bariatric surgery is the only effective and long-lasting treatment for morbid obesity. It is recommended for patients who have had unsuccessful results with nonsurgical treatments such as medically supervised diets and exercise. Bariatric...