Jan 30, 2023
Are You a Candidate for Bariatric Surgery? Are you wondering if bariatric surgery could help you lose weight and take back control over your life and health? Numerous factors impact a person’s ability to qualify for this type of surgery, yet for those that do, it can...
Jan 20, 2023
NEWS FROM PARKWEST HEALTHY LIFESTYLES Suzanne Carlyle is gaining her confidence back one step at a time. After undergoing bariatric surgery in October 2021 with Dr. K. Robert Williams of New Life Center for Bariatric Surgery at Parkwest Medical Center. Carlyle has...
May 18, 2021
What is Gastric Bypass? Losing weight is more complicated than what other people perceive it to be. Some may easily do it through diet and exercise while others may not see a significant difference with these steps. If you’re one of the latter and your body mass index...
May 2, 2021
Can Stress Cause Weight Gain? Weight loss is more than just about what and how much you eat. Your level of stress and how well you manage it can also impact your weight loss journey. The Relationship Between Stress and Weight Gain Whenever you are stressed, your body...
Feb 28, 2021
Bariatric surgery is an effective tool for losing weight. However, in order to sustain the weight loss, you have to commit to major life changes, specifically with diet and exercise. Changes like these don’t come easy to many people. It is for this reason why Dr. K....