Complex Surgery Helps East TN Man Lose 100+ Pounds

At Parkwest Medical Center and New Life Center for Bariatric Surgery in Knoxville, Tennessee, bariatric surgery is changing lives.  With expertise and experience, complex procedures like duodenal switch can lead to dramatic, lasting weight loss. “My starting weight...

Tazewell First Responder Loses 150 Pounds After Bariatric Surgery

First responder Robby Brumbach has a zest for life. The 48-year-old says he became an emergency medicine (EMS) professional because his calling is to help people. However, after many years with a stressful job and the hectic schedule of a first responder in Claiborne...

Cleveland Woman Loses 120 Pounds After Weight Loss Surgery

News from Parkwest Jessica Langston and her family enjoy spending time together, especially at theme parks. “A few years ago, we were in a theme park about to ride a roller coaster. The bar wouldn’t go down over my waist far enough for it to click. I was with my kids....

Bari Surgery Helps Man on 300-lb Weight Loss Journey

From Parkwest Health & Lifestyles When your weight equals a quarter of a ton, day-to-day living is a lot of work. Jonathan Ward, a 46-year-old from Cleveland, Tennessee, was constantly considering how far he could walk while enduring the pain in his knees and how...

Are You a Candidate for Weight Loss Surgery?

Are You a Candidate for Weight Loss Surgery? When it comes to weight loss, many people assume that all you need is the discipline in eating the right kind and amount of food and a solid exercise program. While this could work for some, the expert team at New Life...