Apr 1, 2022
Why Does Diet Matter After Weight Loss Surgery? A common question patients ask when it comes to bariatric surgery is, “If bariatric surgery is an effective tool for losing weight, then why do I still need to diet after the procedure?” Bariatric surgery is...
Oct 27, 2020
In-Person Seminar Are Up and Running Bariatric surgery is an amazing tool for helping you live a healthier life. If the recommended lifestyle changes are applied, it can help you lose weight, improve, or even treat some of your medical conditions, and improve your...
Sep 30, 2020
Get to Know Dr. K. Robert Williams! If you’re obese and have been struggling to lose weight through diet and exercise (including professionally supervised ones), you may qualify for bariatric surgery. Dr. Robert Williams and his team at New Life Center for Bariatric...
Jan 8, 2020
News from Parkwest, West Knoxville’s Healthcare Leader If you’re on the fence about weight-loss surgery or have tried shedding pounds with diet and exercise alone to no avail, consider looking into a weight loss seminar and learning about the options available...