How to Have a Healthy Holiday Season

How to Have a Healthy Holiday Season Holidays can be challenging for people who are trying to lose weight. Many Americans gain an average of one pound starting from mid-November to mid-January. This may not seem like a lot, but most people don’t lose this extra...

Quit Smoking Before Bariatric Surgery

Quit Smoking Before Bariatric Surgery Bariatric surgery is an effective tool for helping you lose weight and keeping it off for long. You will increase your chance of a successful surgery if you prepare for it. If you’re a smoker, you will be required to permanently...

How to Prepare for Bariatric Surgery

Being obese greatly affects your quality of life. It limits your ability to do things like wearing whatever you want and places you at greater risk of developing certain diseases. If you’ve tried for a long time to lose weight but still end up in a cycle of more...